Founded by Air Force, ARMY, and Navy Veterans, SUBSEA NDT & Engineering draws on the experience and discipline of military professionals who went into the civilian aerospace, oil & gas, and commercial diving sectors.
Specializing in creating innovative solutions to difficult inspection problems, SUBSEA NDT has pioneered research and development techniques in numerous industries.
Since 2016, SUBSEA NDT has become a global leader in providing independent expert and technical solutions, ensuring quality and safety for people, the environment, and assets in nearly all aspects of life.
Our Team
Joshua de Monbrun, CEng
Founder & CEO
Joshua de Monbrun, CEng, has over two decades experience in Nondestructive Testing and Engineering. He is a Chartered Engineer, Certified Welding Inspector, an API 570 Pipeline Inspector, an IMCA Surface Supplied Diving Supervisor, a NACE Coating Inspector, has ASNT NDT Level III certifications in ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, and VT, and was elected to the ASNT Board of Directors in 2024.
His professional experience is extensive, having spent over 10 years with MISTRAS Group Inc. in various roles, from Subsea Operations Manager to International Technical Authority. He created and authored many Advanced NDT training programs and techniques, supported international business development, and was the Designated SME for the ART Crawler Division from its inception in 2016. His military service includes time as a Nondestructive Inspection specialist (SRA) in the US Air Force.
Within ASNT, de Monbrun has served as Chair of the Underwater NDT Committee and Technical Editor of the upcoming NDT Handbook on Ultrasonic Testing, as well as a member of the Technical & Education Council, Engineering Council, and Certification Management Council. His involvement in other industry organizations includes serving on the AWS B2 and D3.6 Committees and the ASME BPV Code Working Group.
His professional journey has provided him with a deep appreciation for the integration of new technologies into traditional sectors. With the accelerating pace of digitalization, automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, he is a staunch advocate for embracing innovation to keep SUBSEA NDT & Engineering at the cutting edge of the industry.